Once Upon a Tyme, there were Four Snowy Days Before Spring

March 19, 2024

Seems like we’ve had tons and tons of snow this winter. And the closer we got to the official date of Spring (the equinox falls on March 19th this year), the more intense the storms became.

So when the forecast called for four straight days of snowstorms and piles of snow, I had an idea. ……. build a Jolly Snow Glob and journal his Life and Tymes.

Jolly Snow Glob, “Glob” for short!

Friday, March 15h was the birth day of the “Glob.” Constructed of freshly fallen snow that was the perfect combination of wet and fluffy, he seemed to hold together beautifully. If the weather forecast was accurate, he might even hold together long enough to witness the arrival of Spring.

Did he? See for yourself!

All four snow days and the 1st day of Spring …… from the beginning to the end of a Jolly Snow Glob

The (Untimely) End

Welcome Spring!