
February 29, 2024

Every year, for the past several years, I’ve shared with my most excellent and talented friend and poet, Elaine, the official word prompts used by artists around the world participating in Inktober. Then inspired by these prompts, Elaine creates original poetry, many of which she shares with me.

“Toad” is one of those poems.

Inspired by her words, and my appreciation of this chubby amphibian, here’s how I thought “Toad” might be illustrated. Perhaps this combined effort would be a cute mini bedtime story Elaine could read to her grandson? I wonder!

Arrow shows where to lift next
A full page view, unfolded ….. The inside
A full page view, unfolded

A Toad is not a Frog is not a Toad

The tri-fold card style worked perfectly for the poem, allowing several of the toads to appear more than once. While illustrating the card, it was important to understand the visual characteristics separating a toad from a frog. This challenge led me down both a slippery slope leading to a marsh, and a hidden trail meandering through a nearby grassy meadow.
Here’s what I discovered …..

Thanks for sharing the birthday joy!

Elaine received this Toad card in time to celebrate her Leap Year Birthday. I love that we share our creative projects with each other! There’s no finer warm and fuzzy feeling.

Happy “19th” Birthday to you, Elaine, on this year’s February 29th, Leap Year!